Saturday, February 11, 2012

Growing Pains

Anthony Robbins says to welcome frustration because it means something is going to change.
I hope so!
I'm so frustrated with my growth as a martial artist right now I can't even tell you!
My training under Mr Oh starts again in 2 weeks and I can't wait to get back to that and I hope Mr Oh can share some wisdom around some questions I have.
My training with Mr Oh takes care of a one side of my training.
The side that wants to know more about my martial art, hone my day to day skills and my skills as an instructor and this side is as equally important as the others but now it is taken care of it highlights the areas that feel empty.
One side that is missing is what I call the mongrel.
This is the side of myself as a martial artist that I have always given the most credence too because it hits the sweet spot for me.
The mongrel is the side of me that loves to fight, loves to throw up when I train and basically just hurt.
I need this side fed.
The other side that is missing is the white belt.
Once you have some time under your belt you never, ever get to experience the utter gift that beginning is.
When you begin there is so much to learn, so much to take in and try to perfect.
My brain loves a challenge and those early days were frustrating as hell at the time but now I look back on them as a precious gift.
Well.. I want that again!
I have played from time to time with learning another style to be a pure student again (or at least to see if this is possible!) and this time I think I have it.
Friday night I am going to go and do a brazilian jujitsu class.
it is a great compliment to our stand up skills in tkd and will no doubt be very challenging.
This time though I swear I am going to love the frustration of learning something new and having to figure it out!
The last 2 weeks I have been very unsettled because of this feeling of not knowing where to go next but having made the decision I am feeling better.
I need to also find a tkd sparring coach to work with who will push me hard and make me vomit :)
Then I'll be happy!

On a good note though I have been training with my students since term began and I am feeling light and fast and lose so my body is behaving as it should *touch wood!.

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