Sunday, July 31, 2011

God I love Mondays!

Kicked off training this week with Chest / Glutes / Abs workout followed by RPM class.
Recently (last 2 months) I have become an insomniac and it is driving me crazy - last night I did not sleep one second so I thought I did pretty well dragging my butt to the gym after no sleep.
Felt pretty good actually considering.
Since I got back from the gym I have been answering emails, putting together my class plans for tonight (taekwondo classes at my new training centre), making phone calls etc.
Basically getting as much done as I can so if I doze off (I plan to kick back and watch dodgy telly so I can nap) I will have everything done before I head off to class this afternoon.
Tonight I have 2 kids classes and 1 adults class of taekwondo followed by a fitness class then we also have a 5 week self defence course starting tonight. I have a long time friend of mine coming along to run it for me as he has years of experience in martial arts and self-defence and it will be good for the class to learn from someone other than me as well.
Anyway the couch awaits!

RPM: 15km in 40 minutes (forgot to push start!).
WEIGHTS: 1 hour

Saturday, July 30, 2011

First run in shorts and T-shirt in AGES!

Long run today and despite how crappy my mid week runs have been it seems to come together for me on a Sunday when I do my long run.
Felt great today.
I ran in the middle of the day to make the most of the heat and the wind - wanted to stress my body a bit to see how I got on.
Last weeks long run was awesome too and my pace was about 30 seconds per k faster than it usually is when I first start running my long runs so today I thought I'd test it but same deal despite the fact I ran an extra 1.6k.
The months in the gym have definitely paid off along with my taekwondo training (much higher intensity training).
Whatever the hell it is I'm just happy I am not so bloody slow anymore!
My last 3k were faster than the first which is an even better sign and my pace was pretty much the same headwind or no headwind which is another good sign.
I was so happy with myself walking back to the car that I stopped and offered to take photo's for tourists walking the wall (Cardinia Reservoir Park) and was grinning the whole 1.4k walk back.
It is early days yet but this is all very encouraging - I may even break the 2hr mark for the Half in Oct.
One pet peeve though is people walking the wall and smoking their heads off and throwing the butts on the path - sooo annoying! Nothing worse than a lungful of someone else's second hand smoke when your lungs are already working!
There was some old guy walking along smoking away and coughing his lungs up at the same time - noice!
Oh yeah and my other pet peeve, people who wander all over the path with no regard to anyone else around them - clearly I am working much harder than they are so they should get outta my way!

I'm off to read my junk mail (so tragic I know) then I'm going to watch Collingwood kick Essendons butt then I'm going to drag Chloe (13) out for a short run a bit later - recovery for me, first run in a year for Chloe so it will work well.
Here are some pic from todays run.
RUN: 50 min - 8.14km

"The Wall" 3.1k across and back.

Look what happens when I have a weekend rest day!

For some unknown reason this week my rest day has fallen on a weekend which is usually not good news.
Great news for the house and everything else I mean it is only around 5pm on Saturday and already all of the shopping and washing has been done, the house has been cleaned and I have cooked all of the meals for the snack and even managed to make some protein ball snacks to boot.
I have planned my week, answered emails and tried to keep myself busy.
I even put on real clothes and make-up to go shopping for gods sake!
Anyway I got caught up reading some of the blogs linked to profiles on Beginner Triathlete and thought - HEY! I NEED to do that too!
The fact that I already have 2 other blogs linked to my businesses and the fact I am an Ambassador and Blogger for Lorna Jane entered my mind for a nano second but I dismissed the thought this could be a little bit of an overkill with the thought that this one is for me and not for anyone else.
Anyone wants to read along that is great but essentially this baby is for me so I may not be as tidy and politically correct as I usually am with my other blogs but that is entirely the point!

At the moment my goals are a bit at odds with each other which is pretty standard for me!

I have a light frame that hates to add muscle even thought I really, really, really, really want some!

I am seeing some muscle go on after months of hard effort at the gym, this has been helped by the fact I stopped triathlon training and running in general BUT right now I am training for a half marathon sooo again I will be going nowhere unless I eat my bodyweight in protein each day BUT I will persevere :)

Ok a rundown of training for this week:

20 minute run - only just starting to run properly again after an extended break (apart from the odd run when the sun was out - ie: NEVER!)

1hr taekwondo
1 hour weights - back / glutes / abs

45 minute run that felt like crappola.
1 hour weights - shoulders / arms

45 minutes taekwondo

30 minute run
1 hour weights - chest / Legs

Rest Day

Will be my long run - 50 minutes at the mo.